PlayOK rankings of players for the week ending 20/02/2022
*1. mrjohnson 🇳🇬 - 2284*
2. er17 🇰🇿 - 2144
3. leprophete 🇧🇯 - 2101
*4. aiyedunseun 🇳🇬 - 2065*
5. tchayna 🇨🇻 - 1960
*6. grandmastert 🇦🇬 - 1935*
7. mbabayayo - 1921
8. mathllem - 1915
9. ayirungo 🇬🇭 - 1901
10. litakuer - 1899
Ranking list for players who played last week ending 20/02/2022
1. mrjohnson 🇳🇬 - 2284
2. aiyedunseun 🇳🇬 - 2065
3. grandmastert 🇦🇬 - 1935
4. ayirungo 🇬🇭 - 1901
5. akinking 🇳🇬 - 1843
6. laladom 🇹🇬 - 1833
7. akrugu Ghana 🇬🇭 - 1804
8. roberisco 🇬🇭 - 1775
9. assino28 - 1754
10. lordcity 🇬🇭 - 1741
Last weak four active players made it into the all time top ten players list. The absence of the remaining 6 players in the ashanti room has made it less dynamic and more difficult for other players to make it onto this list. The two players from Ghana 🇬🇭 akrugu & ayirungo continue their ascent up the ranking table, entering the active top ten list, and in the case of ayirungo the all time to ten list for the first time.
Although the threshold for entry into the active top ten list increased slightly, the tough competition between the master players saw to it that there were no wild increases in a players points. Thus making entry into these lists very difficult. The exception being akrugu & ayirungo both from Ghana 🇬🇭 already mentioned above.
The giant of Afrika, Nigeria 🇳🇬 continues to dominate the top ten of active players ranking list, with 3 players in the top 10. The players from Ghana 🇬🇭 are making their presence felt, with 4 in active top ten list: akrugu, ayirungo, lordcity & roberisco. grandmastert from Antigua & Barbuda 🇦🇬 still remains in the list, being the only known player from outside Afrika on the list. laladom from Togo 🇹🇬 putting in a fleeting appearance also remains in this list. dsk from Benin 🇧🇯 and e17 from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 could not maintain their top 10 positions. Well done to these players and everyone else for making the ashanti room as dynamic as it has become. 👏👏👏
Weekly Practice Tournament Points Tally 30/10/2021
Just to remind everyone the 70th (18th for the current year) practice tournament was completed today. Below is the tally of the points achieved by each player so far. Before the current year of tournaments began we committed to award prizes to the first three top positioned players, who achieve the highest points from those tallied up from the 53rd to 104th edition. If we are able to raise more funds we will extend the number of awards to more positions. We will also consider a team award for the county whose players achieve the most number of points combined.